Wednesday, June 12, 2013

running as fast as I can

Day 1 (yesterday) of running program complete. I pretty much felt like this after only 4 minutes.. not gonna lie.
 I think the fact that I did this after a strength training class didn't help. Need to rearrange my schedule a bit. I'm not a runner (I think we've established that) so I'm taking baby steps. I've done my research and found a number of great training schedules for newbie's like me. The one I am using is from Womens Health Mag. Lots of great tips on this website. 

I'm quite sore today. Not sure if it's from the metacon class I did on Monday, strength training class I did yesterday, or the running. Maybe it's all of it? No pain, no gain right? 

 Anybody have some tips on what to eat before/after running? I'd love some help! :)