I don't think I've really spoken about my current weight loss journey so let me take the time to divulge.
December 31 - getting ready to ring in the New Year and I thought to myself, "Let's weigh in". DONG! 174.3 lbs?!? Well, this was rather shocking. I hadn't been this weight since I was on my first weight loss journey but back then I was 193 lbs. "Okay," I said to myself, "Get through this night, even though you might look a giant disco ball (I was wearing sequin pants from Simons), and in 2013... you'll start fresh."
January 1 - Okay, well I didn't say I would start RIGHT on the first day of 2013. I was hung over and only wanted iHop pancakes with my lovely family. Sue me.
January 2 - For realz this time. When I was doing this for the first time in 2006, as I mentioned, I was 193 lbs. With the help of the old Weight Watchers program and attending the weekly meetings, I got myself down to 146lbs in a matter of 6 months or so. My sister KJ ((Many Sides of Karyna) was a huge advocate for Weight Watchers so it helped to have her on my side. This time around, with technology being where it is today and my time so short with (at the time of starting this) a second job, I decided to do Weight Watchers online. Once I signed up, it was pretty easy to navigate. I downloaded the app for my iPad and for my smartphone and I was on my way.
My favourite part about being on this plan is that it is made for people who love food... all kinds of food! I am still able to eat out, have a treat day here or there but still have enough of the healthy foods to keep my satisfied throughout the day. I don't think I have ever felt like I was dissatisfied, starving or deprived at all. I also loved going to the gym.... okay maybe not loved, but loved what it felt like after kicking some butt in one of the classes. I finally put my Spalady membership to good use going to conditioning classes, kickboxing, metacon clases and of course, Zumba. Looove Zumba! I would make it a point to go at least 2-3 times a week. If I was feeling extra inspired.. maybe 4.
Finally, end of March/beginning of April rolls around and I reach my 10% target which puts me at 156.9 lbs. I had been dreading this moment since the beginning because typically when I reach my 10%, that usually means a plateau is not far. Sure enough, I was right. I was teetering between 156 and 155 for a few weeks and started to get frustrated. I made the decision to do WW part time and take a break from the gym. It kind of worked. I went down to 150 in the next month to come.
Now, my body has re-adjusted to the break and I'm ready to get back into the game. I'm starting off slow.. a couple of classes at the gym here and there and integrated all of the good foods into my diet again. I bookmarked a wackload of recipes from Skinnytaste and some other great snack ideas from Pinterest.
Today, I am 150.2lbs. Starting my running program and working my way up to a 5K.
It's okay to fall off the wagon as long as you hop right back up. I've come the realization that I'm not alone in this and millions of other women go through weight issues. Most important thing to remember, however, is that you gotta love your body no matter what.